Violet Hues Healing Centre
Welcome to Violet Hues Healing Centre!
You're here! Splendid!
Now pause a while and ask yourself the following questions :
1. Does life seem like a huge roller-coaster ride at this moment?
2. Do you feel lost and clueless about what is happening in your life?
3. Are you at a stage where you seek answers to some 'real' questions - What is the purpose of my existence?
Is there nothing more to life? What am I actually here to do?
If the answers to these questions were predominantly in the affirmative, then you are not alone! Millions around the globe are going through this phase in their lives, where they feel lost and seek beyond the mundane. We are all going through a process of metamorphosis just like a caterpillar struggling to break out of its cocoon.
But why is everyone going through a testing period now? Well, Mother Earth is undergoing a tremendous transformation process right now. She is undergoing a healing process herself, and there are scores of beings who are assisting her in it. There are Ascended Masters, Archangels, Crystals, Mediums, Psychics, Healers, Therapists and so many more Human and Divine Beings working all day long to herald harmony and balance.
As Therapists at The Violet Hues Healing Centre, it is our endeavour to harness these sublime frequencies of Transformation, Change and Freedom and share it with each one of you! We believe that Our Mother Earth will truly be healed, only when each one of us at an individual level resonate with understanding, compassion and love.
Now pause a while and ask yourself the following questions :
1. Does life seem like a huge roller-coaster ride at this moment?
2. Do you feel lost and clueless about what is happening in your life?
3. Are you at a stage where you seek answers to some 'real' questions - What is the purpose of my existence?
Is there nothing more to life? What am I actually here to do?
If the answers to these questions were predominantly in the affirmative, then you are not alone! Millions around the globe are going through this phase in their lives, where they feel lost and seek beyond the mundane. We are all going through a process of metamorphosis just like a caterpillar struggling to break out of its cocoon.
But why is everyone going through a testing period now? Well, Mother Earth is undergoing a tremendous transformation process right now. She is undergoing a healing process herself, and there are scores of beings who are assisting her in it. There are Ascended Masters, Archangels, Crystals, Mediums, Psychics, Healers, Therapists and so many more Human and Divine Beings working all day long to herald harmony and balance.
As Therapists at The Violet Hues Healing Centre, it is our endeavour to harness these sublime frequencies of Transformation, Change and Freedom and share it with each one of you! We believe that Our Mother Earth will truly be healed, only when each one of us at an individual level resonate with understanding, compassion and love.

Come, join us in this beautiful journey.
Recognise your true Happy Self.
Allow the beautiful butterfly inside you...
to fly around, spreading the joy of life to everyone!
Recognise your true Happy Self.
Allow the beautiful butterfly inside you...
to fly around, spreading the joy of life to everyone!
Picture courtesy - Dave Sutton on