Energy Healing, Bangalore
Everything around us is a form of energy. An Atom is the most basic, fundamental building block of every single entity that we can perceive. Atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles that are nothing but charges of energy. Multiples of subatomic particles make up an entire atom. This would imply that an atom too is but a mass of energy and space.
When something as fundamental as an atom is now seen as a manifestation of Energy, it is but obvious that everything that we perceive around us is also a manifestation of Energy. Animate and inanimate objects around us are all masses of energy vibrating at different frequencies and having their own electromagnetic field of influence. Looking at the bigger picture, the entire planet, our galaxy and the entire universe itself are simply huge masses of energy with a definite form. Everything in this universe is Energy! The core of every single manifestation in our physical reality is made up of energy – that vibrates at a certain frequency. Whether we are aware or not, energy fields exist all around us! It is our conditioning that makes us perceive objects as solids or liquids and give them a unique identity and separateness. But if looked at under an appropriate microscope, one might hardly find a difference between a jug, the water inside and the air around. It is all just energy dancing around in a beautiful, synchronous and unique way to create one small part of a magnanimous universe!
![]() Consider a person who has just breathed his last. Biologically the body is still there. The vital organs still function for a few minutes as well. But clinically, the person is declared dead. What has really changed? Everything seemed perfectly functional a few moments ago and yet something changed it all!
Science of today has not yet been able to accurately point a finger at the exact phenomenon that causes this transition. But it does recognize that some ‘vital force’ that was present has now suddenly disappeared. This ‘vital force’ that permeates the entire body is called the Energy Body. The energy body is also known as the ‘prana’ and is absolutely essential for life to sustain. The energy body has not yet been biologically ‘located’ or ‘characterized’ till date and hence is referred to as a ‘subtle body’. This is also called the ‘vibes’ one exudes. Others call it a ‘frequency match’ when they sense a high compatibility in their energies. Still others call it ‘charisma’ when a person has such an overwhelming influence on others just by mere presence. Call it as you please, but the fact remains that energies are always dynamically sensing and interacting with each other.
Emotions are also energies and influence our energy field/aura. When we are in a positive state, we have a large exuberant aura. When we are in a negative state, our aura shrinks and becomes very dense. That is why we feel very heavy and low when we are sad. A positive energy state is integral to the overall health of an individual. Thus, in the intricate mind-body link, the energy body system bridges the mind and the physical body, thus helping us understand what thought patterns map to which parts and functions of the body.
Our Energy body is a very dynamic system. On the one hand we perceive every aura having a definite boundary and being very individualistic, but at the same time one must also be aware that each energy body is entirely energy. Hence, it cannot remain isolated. Interactions take place ceaselessly between energy bodies.
There are certain distinct channels, called ‘Chakras’, through which the energy body interacts with other energy bodies around. The word chakra originates from the Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’ since it is constantly spinning to form a vortex. This creates a ‘vacuum’ at the center of the vortex that draws energy of various forms and vibratory frequencies into it. The energies flowing through these chakras could vary from energies of people, to their emotions, right up to various colour or sound frequencies. Every chakra resonates at a certain frequency. And it attracts and radiates energies of those frequencies alone. Emotions too are energies that have a certain fixed frequency of vibration. The same holds true with the 7 fundamental colours of the rainbow (VIBGYOR). This is why each chakra corresponds to a certain set of emotions that governs our body and is also associated with a certain colour. There are millions of chakras in our body, but primarily 7 major chakras govern most of our energy body. Depending on the flow of energy through these chakras, they can be classified as normal, over-activate, under-activate or blocked. These 7 major chakras govern various core aspects of our daily life. This is essential to understand the nature of holistic healing. The chakras are like bridges that connect our physical body to our mind body. Thus every physical condition is mapped to a certain emotion through specific chakras. Energy flows evenly through our chakras when they are open. Our chakras are open or close based on our thoughts and emotion. When we have a persistent negative thought pattern, the chakra associated with that particular frequency of emotion tends to get blocked. If unattended to, a blocked chakra would eventually seep into the physical body affecting the organs around it.
Interestingly, every chakra is directly mapped onto a gland in our physical body (See table below). Therefore, an issue in any of the major emotional traits mentioned above can cause the respective chakra to be blocked. Soon this can manifest as a malfunction in the physical body, either at the gland associated or in any of the organs around the gland.
One chakra blocked/underactive can affect even the neighbouring chakras in a chain reaction and can eventually affect the entire energy body itself. In such cases the person often feels extremely depressed or suicidal. Simply working with the chakras and opening the energy flow can help relieve the individual enormously. Opening up the flow of energy into a Chakra is simple! There are a multiple ways in which you can effectively do it.
![]() Reiki is a natural form of healing that uses universal life-force energy. The term comes from the Japanese words “rei” which translates to 'Universal', and “ki” which stands for the 'vital life-force' energy that flows through all living things. Reiki healing energy is considered to be spiritual energy that is abundant and freely available to all.
Origin Reiki healing was developed by a Japanese seeker of truth named Dr. Mikao Usui. According to some versions of its origin, Dr. Usui brought the Reiki healing method into human awareness in 1922 after a deep spiritual experience. He is said to have begun teaching others after a serious earthquake hit Japan and he felt urged to spread his knowledge to as many as possible. Today Reiki is accepted all over the world as a technique that balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being of an individual. A Reiki healing session A Reiki healing practitioner is a conduit of life force energy from the Universal source through his/her hands to the individual receiving the energy. The practitioner is not the source of the energy and therefore does not drain his/her own energies while giving the treatment. One may experience the Reiki healing energy in various ways such as heat, tingling or pulsating sensations at the area where the treatment is applied and one may even feel the energy moving to other parts of the body. This is the Reiki healing energy flowing through you and most people feel very relaxed and peaceful while receiving this energy. Some people may fall asleep during the treatment while some others may not feel anything at all. Whether we are able to perceive the energy flow or not, the Reiki healing energies are definitely flowing and healing the individual nevertheless. People have reported experiencing one or more of the following benefits:
Note: Reiki healing is a complement to traditional medical or therapeutic treatments. It is not a substitute for consultation with a physician, a practitioner, natural therapeutics or a psychotherapist. Distance Healing Energy has no restriction to time and distance. Therefore, reiki healing energies can be sent across distances too. The receiver need not be physically present in front of the reiki healer in order for the healing to happen. ![]() Uniqueness
The specialty of Reiki healing is the 'Attunements' and the use of 'Symbols'. In order for one to become a Reiki healing practitioner, one must be attuned by a master. Reiki is a traditional form of healing and is strictly handed over from a Reiki master to a student. The attunement is a powerful process that opens up the Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra and the Palm Chakras, linking all three with the Universal Source of Energy - rei. The attunement is guided by the rei (Source energy) and reiki students across the world have reported having mystical experiences involving receiving messages, healing, visions and past life experiences. Another unique attribute of reiki healing is the use of Symbols. The symbols are sacred signs that are handed from Master to Student across generations. the symbols used in reiki healing originate from the Japanese system of writing called Kanji. The symbols are charged with healing intent and merely connecting to them through imagination or drawing them in the air invokes the energies and purport of the symbols. However, it has been seen that the efficacy of the symbols increases tremendously after an attunement. Learn Reiki Healing If you are interested in learning this wonderful healing technique please do contact us.
Pranic Healing is a science that deals with the ability to heal the 'Prana' in a living entity. Experts believe that healing through infusing prana and life-force energy has been practiced in various forms for centuries. The earliest mention of Healing the Prana is found in the 'Chandogya Upanishad'. Modern Pranic Healing was largely introduced to the western world by a prolific writer and theosophist named William Walker Atkinson under the pseudonym Yogi Ramacharaka. "The general Principles of Pranic Healing rest on the fact that Prana may be transferred or transmitted from one person to another, in many ways. The usual method, and the most effective way, is to use the hands and make passes over the sick person, and at the same time directing a current of Prana to the affected part." - Extracted from The Science of Psychic Healing, by Yogi Ramacharaka, ©1909, Chapter 6, Page 37 However, the great teacher accredited to actually bringing this ancient science down to the masses is Master Choa Kok Sui. He called it the 'Science' and 'Art' of healing. Master Choa classified the body into two parts - the visible body and the invisible, bioplasmic body. This bioplasmic body is what we refer to as the Energy Body consisting the Aura and Chakras. Pranic healing is the technique of healing the visible body by catering to the bioplasmic body and allowing the body to go through its natural processes. Two Laws of Pranic Healing There are two body-laws, as put down by Master Choa, that are the basis of Pranic Healing. These are natural laws that have always governed the Human Body. Unfortunately over time these laws have been forgotten by most people. Tapping into these laws can show miraculous changes in the body. 1. The Law of Self Recovery : The body knows how to heal itself from any condition afflicted on it. 2. The Law of Life Energy : The body exists on the Prana. When Prana is depleted, the body starts to deteriorate and fails to heal itself. A Pranic Healing Session
A typical Pranic Healing session has different facets to it. Master Choa has very systematically outlined a set of procedures that every Pranic Healer could ideally follow in order to maximize the healing session and see healthy results. Some of the major facets are as follows : 1. Scanning : Using the bare hands, the aura or energy body of the individual or diseased part is scanned. The blocks, congestion, depletion and damage in the aura and chakras are made note of. 2. Cleansing : Maser Choa says that majority of an illness/disease can be healed by merely clearing the blocks and negativity in the Aura and Chakras. Using the hands, specific sweeping techniques are used to cleanse the bioplasmic field of the specific organ or the entire body. 3. Energizing : The moment the blocks are cleared, the body starts to heal itself. But energizing is more like a catalyst that enhances the natural healing abilities of the body. The body is infused with a rich supply of life-force energy through the hands, so that it can reach greater potentials of health Pranic Healing has been used across the world to heal many different types of ailments. Pranic Healing has helped achieve the following benefits among many others :
![]() Uniqueness
One of the specialties of Pranic Healing is the in-depth understanding of Prana or Life-force. Master Choa illustrates the nature of different types of Prana and its uses. Therefore, for different situations, there are different types of Pranas that could be used to serve different purposes. The easiest way to discern various frequencies of prana is through colours. Pranas with different colours have different properties and frequencies. Each colour of prana produces a particular healing effect, in a particular way and at a particular pace. For example, violet prana has the ability to transmute dense, negative energies into lighter positive vibrations. And so on with other colours as well. The thorough understanding that Master Choa has provided has today influenced many other schools of healing as well to take to colours as a therapeutic tool. (You can read a little more about colours and their healing impact on this link - Color Therapy) Distance Healing Energy has no restriction to time and distance. Therefore, pranic healing energies can be sent across distances too. The receiver need not be physically present in front of the pranic healer in order for the healing to happen.
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