Hypnotherapy, Bangalore"Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment. Our work is to transform that into a trance of empowerment". ~ Dr. Milton H. Erickson (Pioneer in Hypnotherapy)
"He who looks outside, dreams; he who looks within, awakens". ~ Carl Jung
Hypnosis is an altered state of mind akin to the deep relaxation during meditation. As opposed to mesmerism or stage hypnosis, clinical hypnosis does not take you to a state where you lose consciousness and control of yourself. On the contrary, under hypnosis the subject would be in a highly focused and aware state.
Do you remember that time in the wee hours of the morning when you are just waking up from a deep sleep? You would remember that your mind is awake but your eyes are still closed. It is likely that the dreams you might have had are still fresh in your mind. There might be some distinct emotions playing too. And you might notice that you are even aware of the sounds or conversations happening in the next room. It would seem like you are in a semi-sleep state - a precarious state from where you might either fall asleep again or you might eventually wake up completely. Does this sound familiar? This is the state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a very natural process. All of us enter a hypnotic trance on a daily basis. It is a state of mind where the conscious mind is not as active, while the subconscious mind is very open to giving and receiving information. It has been shown that we also enter a hypnotic state during a long drive, or while painting a picture; while playing/listening/dancing to some soothing music or even during the few moments just before we slip into a deep sleep. During such activities, we are in a trance and often in a hyper-suggestible state. That is to say, while the conscious mind is engaged and highly focused on the activity, our deeper subconscious mind is very open to receive and store inputs (suggestions). In this state, there is hardly any influence of the conscious mind in rejecting the suggestions to the subconscious mind. The advertising industry often makes use of this state of hyper-suggestibility to subconsciously influence us; be it during our favorite TV show or across bill boards en route a long drive to someplace.
(Also read some of the common myths of hypnosis to know more.) Hypnosis is used by many Psychiatrists and Mind-therapists for therapeutic purposes. The subconscious mind is responsible for all that happens 'behind the scenes' - our reactions, our emotions, our behavioral patterns, our fears, our decisions, etc. Through Hypnosis, the therapist and the subject work together to resolve patterns that are redundant. It is as if Hypnosis pops open a control panel inside the mind!
(To understand the working of the mind better, read our section on The Mind.) As Hypnotherapists, we believe that the subconscious mind is quite different from the conscious. It does not analyze and rationalize information. It stores all sensory data as visuals, sounds, feelings and sensations. And based on what is stored, the subconscious mind creates our daily experiences. In order to alter what is stored, we use 'Guided Imagery' or 'Imagination' as a tool to communicate with the subconscious. It has been found that under a hypnotic trance, the subconscious is most open to communication through your imagination and internal experiences. Many Olympic athletes use Visualizations as a daily part of their training to create differences in their body and lives. "The physical aspect of the sport can only take you so far," said Olympic gold medal-winning gymnast Shannon Miller during an interview with the Dana Foundation. "The mental aspect has to kick in, especially when you’re talking about the best of the best. In the Olympic games, everyone is talented. Everyone trains hard. Everyone does the work. What separates the gold medalists from the silver medalists is simply the mental game.” Read more in this article: "Brain-training secrets of Olympic Athletes"
Anyone who is NOT on anti-psychotic or anti-depressant drugs is eligible to undergo hypnotherapy.
Pregnant ladies, breast feeding mothers, children below 18yrs of age (with parental consent) are also eligible to undergo hypnosis. View the Issues Addressed page to see a detailed list of issues that can be addressed using hypnotherapy. When Hypnotherapy cannot be usedHypnotherapy is not an option for people who might not be willing to go under hypnosis (due to fear/preconceived notions about “how” the experience may feel like). At Violet Hues, we do try to work on the fear or the preconceived notion by cognitive counseling and an orientation to the process before we take you into any Hypnotic process.
The ability to trust in your own internal processes is a very important quality in order for a hypnotherapy session. However, if you feel that Clinical Hypnosis is not for you, we could work in alternative ways where we integrate Cognitive work along with Energetic processes. We are also trained to work with your thoughts, feelings and emotions without the Hypnotic trance. Some people also like to purely work through non-hypnotic healing methods such as ThetaHealing®, Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal healing, Redikall healing and so on. Medical conditions need to be addressed by a medical doctor undoubtedly, especially acute conditions. It wouldn't make sense to try and put a mind to sleep when it is in extreme pain. However, after the medical intervention, when the person is stable, hypnotherapy can be used to assist speedy recovery and drugless palliative care (pain management).
Some common myths about hypnotherapy have been dispelled here. There are many other myths that one might find online that have been put up on fear-based assumptions.
If you have any specific questions or doubts, feel free to contact us. • Myth: “A Hypnotherapist can make me do anything…” A Clinical Hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything that is against your will, ethics, values or beliefs. What you have seen/heard of is something called as 'Stage Hypnosis' which is a completely different approach and has nothing to do with therapy! • Myth: “Will the therapist know my dark secrets once I'm in hypnosis?” No, that is not possible! You will NOT be unconscious. You will be aware and in-control of every word you speak. The therapist cannot make you say anything you don't want to talk about. You are in-charge! • Myth: “What if I don’t come out of the trance…” Clinical Hypnosis is a state of mind very similar to meditation. Typically an individual would come out of hypnosis feeling fresh and energized, like waking from sleep or coming out of a deep mediation. • Myth: “What if I get stuck in the past?” This is as unlikely as someone getting stuck in a dream. We work in a therapeutic setup. We are trained to help you overcome negative emotions from the past, that might surface during your session. But you cannot get stuck in your past. • Myth: “What if I lose control or consciousness…” The modalities used for therapeutic purposes do not involve making the subject lose conscious control of himself. In fact you are more in control because the mind is more awake and aware under hypnosis. • Myth: “Hypnosis happens through the eyes or through a pendulum” Influencing someone through the eyes/pendulum is called mesmerism and not hypnotism. One cannot be hypnotized without consent. Further, Hypnotherapy is very different from Stage Hypnosis (hypnosis for entertaining an audience). • Myth: “A Hypnotherapist can take me for a ride”. If the subject feels something is not right, he can instantly take charge of the situation and reject what the therapist says. The subject never loses control. • Myth: “Only a mentally weak person can be hypnotized” In fact the opposite is true. The capacity to get hypnotized and relax with a feeling of ease and non-panic is a trait of strong mental health and stability. Regular meditators will find this process extremely rewarding. • Myth: “I cannot get hypnotized” If you do not have an issue going to sleep at night, you definitely CAN get hypnotized. Hypnosis is very similar to sleep. Sometimes when you are very conscious of the surroundings, you would not be able to relax or sleep. It is likely that you are not allowing yourself to get hypnotized due to your own apprehensions and need to be in control. The moment you are willing to relax, you can be hypnotized.
The Mind is a complex phenomenon that man has failed to comprehend to the fullest extent despite all his other scientific conquests. It is one of the greatest wonders and mysteries of our existence and has the unbelievable power to influence the entire universe.
About 10% of our mind is a very significant aspect, known as the Conscious mind. The other 90% of our mind is the much deeper and hugely powerful aspect, known as the Subconscious mind.
The conscious mind does all the reasoning, logic, rationalization, calculations, comprehension and gathering of information. It is also responsible for all our voluntary actions. It is fully active during the waking state and completely inactive during the period of deep sleep. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is the most important part of the human mind. All our involuntary actions and emotions are controlled by the subconscious mind and it stores all information as experiences - pleasurable, painful and neutral ones. The Power of our Subconscious Mind: Since our subconscious mind is the major part of our mind, it drives all aspects of our life at a very subtle level. Our subconscious mind governs our physical and emotional health. It forms the basis of all life situations we get into - our finances, relationships, career choices, friends, passions, and so on. Many of us try to control our physical reality Consciously, but fail to realize that the subconscious mind has a direction of its own. And only when we align with it can we begin to consciously actuate what we would like to have in our physical reality. Hypnotherapy plays a great role in aligning the Conscious Mind with the Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. Just as a sharp knife is a tool that can be used in surgery to save lives, or in crime to end lives, the mind too is a tool that influences us positively or negatively in the various aspects of our life. Our subconscious memories from the past can taint our perception (positively or negatively) to otherwise neutral experiences and can drive us to over-react to our current reality. ‘Over-reaction’ may not be an issue as long as it is in consonance with what we want. It becomes an issue when our subconscious reactions conflict with our expected behaviour.
For example: A smoker’s subconscious mind has stored smoking as a pleasurable experience. When he wants to quit smoking, his desire (to quit) conflicts with the experience (being pleasurable) and hence he finds it very hard to come out of this addiction. Consider a person who has been in an abusive relationship in the past. This person might have many strong, negative subconscious memories of the past. In the next relationship, any seeming resemblance of the new partner’s behavior to that of the previous partner can trigger an over-reaction. He/she might immediately perceive the partner’s behavior with ‘strongly coloured glasses’ and believe the past painful situation to be repeating. Hypnotherapy addresses such positive or negative memories. We heal by resolving the emotional charge attached to the past experiences. The moment these subconscious tendencies are healed, we set ourselves free of the past and can live completely in the present moment. We are then in touch with the most potent part of our being. Thus, a healthy mind not only takes every situation as is, but also is completely capable of creating its own reality in the best possible manner. Watch these videos that talk about Scientific studies that indicate Subconscious activity influencing EVERY Conscious action that we wish to initiate!
Also check out our section on 'Books that Heal' which is a wonderful set of books that delve extensively into the potency of the subconscious mind in creating or manifesting our reality.
The Human Consciousness is a vast mysterious field. And we believe that everything an individual experiences in his physical reality has its roots in his/her Consciousness. Hypnotherapy offers us a clinical technique to explore the human consciousness. We use our Awareness to amplify those aspects of Consciousness that we would love to have more of; and resolve those aspects that do not really contribute to our being.
Hypnotherapy is a technique that allows us to connect within and align ourselves to the more wholesome and holistic part of our ourselves. There are various tools used under hypnosis. Here's a look at some of them: Inner-child Healing: Every time we experience a traumatic event in our lives, there is one part of our psyche that is fragmented and left behind at that moment. We might physically move past that incident, but a part of us continues to experience the pain over and over again. Often, when triggered, that part of us that is stuck in pain re-surfaces and plays out in our personality. How often is it that we relive an embarrassing moment or a painful memory? Further still, how often is it that we allow those past events to influence our decisions/choices in the present? The answers to these questions point to your "Inner Children". Working with these parts of you would involve nurturing those parts of your personality, sometimes Re-Parenting your own Inner Child (with the help of the hypnotherapist) and allowing a movement to happen within. Past Life Regression Therapy: Unresolved issues of the Past Life/Lives might continue to affect us even in the current incarnation. Some of these issues include: • Trauma from past lives (that affects our behaviour unconsciously) • Intensely negative emotions at the time of death • Disturbed relationship dynamics across incarnations • Curses or other patterns that have been carried over, and other such issues. Under hypnosis we have an opportunity to regress back to the relevant Past Life undergo appropriate therapeutic resolution. To understand the nature and scope of this therapy, please visit the section on Past Life Regression Therapy. Energetic Resolutions: The Mind is NOT the brain! When we start to look at the Mind as an Energetic body, we would realise that most things that affect the mind are also energetic in nature. Words are also energy. Therefore others' comments, hidden intentions behind words, curses, blessings, promises, expectations, obligations, authoritative and controlling words are all energetic influences that can weigh the mind down. The vibes that we receive in a particular place or person are also energies. Others' thoughts, their emotions, their pain, their sorrow, their worries are also energies that can bind us. What is popularly known as 'Nazar' or 'Drishti' or 'Evil Eye' is also purely an energetic influences that the mind is engulfed with. Read up our section on Energy Healing in order to understand these aspects in greater detail. Hypnotherapy explores the energetic maze that the mind is and lightens up the sometimes intense mesh of energies. Suggestive Therapy / Direct Suggestions : While the techniques mentioned above address the negative imprints on the mind, Suggestive Therapy is a totally different league of therapeutic solutions. Hypnotic Suggestions are positive commands that are planted into the subconscious mind in order to reset and reinforce a desired, positive pattern. While Suggestions are positive reinforcements that are planted directly into the subconscious mind under hypnosis, another form of this therapy is through the use of Affirmations. Affirmations are conscious reinforcements that anyone can program into their own system with conscious repetition. Many Psychologists believe that Suggestive Therapy done under hypnosis could be a one stop solution to many issues that we face during our lives. They are unbelievably powerful! Ericksonian Hypnosis / Conversational Hypnosis / Indirect Suggestions : Milton Erickson, a prominent Psychiatrist and Psychologist, who lived in the early 1900's, was one of the pioneers in the field of Hypnotherapy. And he developed a model called the Indirect way of Suggesting ideas. Erickson saw that when he used metaphors, stories, body language, puns and subtleties, he could take a client off guard and very indirectly open the unconscious mind for changes. He eventually pioneered this form of therapy. Many therapists believe that the Ericksonian techniques are far more respectful and gentler than the traditional direct forms of Hypnosis. In the Ericksonian form, there is no requirement for an elaborate trance to be induced. A lot of the therapeutic work is done conversationally. As opposed to the Direct form of Suggestion, in the Ericksonian form of Hypnosis, all suggestions are ideas that have been conveyed to the mind very subtly over a 'casual' conversation. Over the years, a lot of different forms of therapeutic studies have been greatly influenced by Erickson's work. To know more and study Ericksonian Hypnosis or the Milton Method specifically, do go through this article on 'What is Ericksonian Hypnosis?' published by the British Hypnosis Research and Training Institute. You could enroll into some of their wonderful online courses as well!
At Violet Hues Healing Centre, we are certified trainers of EKAA (formerly known California Hypnosis Institute of India) and offer courses in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy certified by EKAA.
About EKAA (California Hypnosis Institute of India - CHII) EKAA stands for Ekagra Karma – Apara Antara. When translated into Sanskrit, EKAA means oneness. So the modalities taught at EKAA can be integrated with any other modality, thereby moving our consciousness towards oneness and keeping the focus on the client instead of the modality. Ekagra (Focus) Karma (Action) Apara (Infinite) Antara (Within) quite literally would also spell out our thought process – Focused action gives you infinite possibilities that lead you within. EKAA is a non-profit organization which has positioned itself as one of its only kind in the world today. It is the first and the only professional Institute in India to conduct and offer certification courses in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy, thereby integrating Clinical Hypnotherapy with other modalities such as Psychotherapy, Behavioral Therapy, Regression Therapy and Spiritual Healing. Visit http://ekaa.co.in to know more. EKAA is: ~ The FIRST ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy Training Institute in India. ~ First institute to offer a comprehensive career in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy. ~ Affiliated with the TASSO Institute, Neatherlands ~ Affiliated to IMDHA – International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, USA ~ Recognized and approved by EARTh – European Association for Regression Therapies ~ Member of HITA – Hypnotherapy and Integrated Therapies Association, India Note: Hypnotherapy is recognized by the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Order No.R.14015/25/96-U&H(R)(Pt.) along with Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy, Yoga & Naturopathy and Acupuncture.
While many people undergo the EKAA Curriculum for Self-Empowerment, it is also an excellent opportunity to embark upon a new career in empowering others. Thousands of people across India and in countries such as Singapore, Hong-Kong, Kenya, Dubai, Oman and many other countries have chosen Clinical Hypnotherapy as a career option.
EKAA certifies you as a Clinical Hypnotherapist when you have completed the Curriculum of 5 Levels and the Internship Program. THE CURRICULUM
Level 0: The Art of Self Hypnosis Date: -To Be Announced - Duration : 3 hours Venue: -To Be Announced- Fee : Rs.1000/- Instructor: Natesh Shetty Topics Covered :
Level 1: A Basic Course in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy
Duration : 2 days Date: NA Prerequisite: None Venue: Bangalore Fee : Rs 10,620 (9,000 + GST) Instructor: Natesh Shetty Topics covered :
Level 2 : Certification Course in Integrated Hypnotic Modalities for Behavioral Resolutions
Duration : 5 days Date: -TBA- Prerequisite : Level 1 Venue: Bangalore Fee : Rs 27,150 (23,000+GST) Instructor: Natesh Shetty Topics covered :
Level 3 : Advanced Course in Integrated Hypnotic Modalities for Health Resolutions Duration : 5 days Date : -TBA- Prerequisite : Level 2 Venue : Bangalore Fee : Rs 27,150 (23,000+GST) Instructor : Natesh Shetty Topics covered :
Level 4 : Integrated Spiritual Hypnosis Duration : 6 days Date : -TBA- Prerequisite : Level 3 Venue : Bangalore Fee : Rs 33,050 (28,000+GST) Topics covered :
Level 5 : Certification Course in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy Duration : 8 days Date : -TBA- Prerequisite : Level 4 Fee : Rs 42,500 (36,000+GST) Topics covered :