An artist/painter working with colours would tell you that Violet is a secondary colour. It is obtained by blending Warm Red and Cool Blue. And since it is a blend of two colours, it is but obvious that myriad shades can be obtained just by varying the proportions of these constituents. Therefore, Violet containing more of Red, would appear warmer, brighter and more intense. And the shade containing more of blue would naturally have a cooling, calming effect. What is noteworthy is that Violet is a subtle blend of polar opposites: Red and Blue - Activity and Serenity.
From a colour psychology perspective, violet relates to the imagination and spirituality. And since it fuses the energy and strength of red with the spirituality and integrity of blue, it symbolizes the union of the body and soul, creating a balance between our physical and spiritual energies. Even the Chinese often use Violet to symbolize ‘The Harmony of The Universe’ because it is a balance of Yin and Yang (red and blue respectively). Thus, Violet is a beautiful representation of the fact that everything in our world is based on Duality – Good/Bad, Positive/Negative, Light/Dark, Male/Female, Hot/Cold, Love/Hate, Rich/Poor, etc.
Simply put, when white light is passed through a prism, it splits into seven different beams. A study of the properties of the seven colours indicates that the Violet beam has the highest frequency of vibration and has the potential of all other colour frequencies.
In our centre, you will have an opportunity to experience healing with the power of Violet.
Across times, Violet has been seen to have a subtle transcendental and healing effect on the human mind as well. Renowned painter Leonardo da Vinci wrote that meditation and prayer is ten times more powerful if done while sitting in the violet light, shining through a stained glass window. German composer and conductor Richard Wagner composed his operas, surrounded with violet.
Scientific evidence states that the various hues of Violet balance the mind and help transform obsessions and fears. They indeed have a deep effect on the psyche and have even been used in psychiatric care to help calm and pacify patients suffering from a number of mental and nervous disorders.
Therefore, in the context of healing, you would notice that Energy workers (such as Reiki and Pranic Healers) and other Holistic Healers would readily agree that the Violet flame burns away fear, anger and hatred to bring about cleansing and betterment.
In Summary, the vigour of violet : • The Violet Hues are a symbol of Balance. • It brings about a unique sense of calm and peace that arises out of Deep Understanding. • It is a stimulant to an Eternal Inward Journey – towards the core of our being. • It definitely has an air of deep transformation at a physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual level.