Buddha spent a couple of months on top of the mountain. He was surprised to see the same people on the way down. Except now, the man sitting under the tree had grown a beard.
As Buddha passed by he asked, “How long will it take me to get enlightened?”
Buddha said it would take him at least another thousand years.
“Oh my, I have to wait for so long to get enlightened!” and he continued meditating under the tree.
Buddha then passed by the man who was sitting in the open. Except now, the sun had burnt parts of his skin on his body. He had the same question, “How long would it take for me to get enlightened?”
Buddha told him that it would take at least another thousand years for him to be enlightened.
Hearing this, the man said, “I have to suffer so much to be enlightened”, and he continued meditating in the sun.”
As Buddha passed by the third person who was dancing, he heard the same question. Yet again Buddha said, “It will take you another thousand years to get enlightened.”
The man laughed and continued dancing. And at that point of time, he too became a Buddha.
A Buddha is a person who lives in the moment, completely at peace. A Buddha is a person who is awakened to the fundamental truth of life. A Buddha is a person who has absolute deep compassion for every living being.
The literal meaning of 'Buddha' is 'The Enlightened One'.
story courtesy : http://fractalenlightenment.com/buddha-stories-and-lessons
image courtesy : www.neh.gov